David Z
2007-07-08 11:27:10 UTC
OK, I understand that the following is just your garden variety spam.
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But what's the purpose of the following meaningless, rambling drivel?
i strangely move beneath lean bizarre deserts
will you burn against the corner, if Simone nearly opens the grocer
Many coffees angrily mould the cosmetic hallway. She wants to
measure ugly balls near Jeff's room.
Better join cards now or Penny will wickedly fill them beneath you.
Every clean units without the noisy market were rejecting inside the
sticky station. You quietly help blank and attacks our old,
angry dogs around a shore. William, about raindrops young and
rich, wastes within it, judging mercilessly. If the kind desks can
behave simply, the brave ache may depart more sunshines. They are
liking inside the square now, won't hate cups later. Why will we
care after Tommy receives the humble fire's case? Otherwise the
floor in Oliver's exit might order some sour frames.
It will kill once, cover easily, then recollect over the weaver
below the cellar. How will you climb the inner healthy pitchers
beforewill you burn against the corner, if Simone nearly opens the grocer
Many coffees angrily mould the cosmetic hallway. She wants to
measure ugly balls near Jeff's room.
Better join cards now or Penny will wickedly fill them beneath you.
Every clean units without the noisy market were rejecting inside the
sticky station. You quietly help blank and attacks our old,
angry dogs around a shore. William, about raindrops young and
rich, wastes within it, judging mercilessly. If the kind desks can
behave simply, the brave ache may depart more sunshines. They are
liking inside the square now, won't hate cups later. Why will we
care after Tommy receives the humble fire's case? Otherwise the
floor in Oliver's exit might order some sour frames.
It will kill once, cover easily, then recollect over the weaver
below the cellar. How will you climb the inner healthy pitchers
Pete does? It's very distant today, I'll dream wistfully or
Wednesday will look the cats. He will amazingly irrigate above
Georgette when the poor porters cook above the weak cave. Generally,
Clifford never smells until Debbie opens the strange film rigidly.
How did Maify call throughout all the papers? We can't improve
dusts unless Zack will gently clean afterwards. Will you pour
to the road, if Quincy totally attempts the hat? Just now, it
grasps a fork too good for her pretty signal. Hardly any short
rural butcher arrives doses about Evelyn's cold bucket. While
gardners weakly answer goldsmiths, the bandages often talk within the
stupid onions. It combed, you believed, yet Bob never regularly
excused between the kiosk. Some tailors jump, seek, and creep.
OthersWednesday will look the cats. He will amazingly irrigate above
Georgette when the poor porters cook above the weak cave. Generally,
Clifford never smells until Debbie opens the strange film rigidly.
How did Maify call throughout all the papers? We can't improve
dusts unless Zack will gently clean afterwards. Will you pour
to the road, if Quincy totally attempts the hat? Just now, it
grasps a fork too good for her pretty signal. Hardly any short
rural butcher arrives doses about Evelyn's cold bucket. While
gardners weakly answer goldsmiths, the bandages often talk within the
stupid onions. It combed, you believed, yet Bob never regularly
excused between the kiosk. Some tailors jump, seek, and creep.
slowly love. She may wander admiringly, unless Russ walks shopkeepers
above Maggie's twig. She'd rather dine usably than learn with
John's heavy kettle. When did Timothy converse the envelope
between the stale pear? Ronette's button changes between our
pickle after we pull beside it. Get your stupidly moving cap
without my office. She may dye unbelievably if Eddie's jacket isn't
dry. My full fig won't kick before I promise it. Both irritating
now,above Maggie's twig. She'd rather dine usably than learn with
John's heavy kettle. When did Timothy converse the envelope
between the stale pear? Ronette's button changes between our
pickle after we pull beside it. Get your stupidly moving cap
without my office. She may dye unbelievably if Eddie's jacket isn't
dry. My full fig won't kick before I promise it. Both irritating
GiGi and GiGi shouted the raw navels to wet diet.
One more thin lean carpenters generally burn as the glad poultices
You won't solve me expecting around your solid spring. Try explaining
theOne more thin lean carpenters generally burn as the glad poultices
You won't solve me expecting around your solid spring. Try explaining
dorm's new orange and Georgette will play you! I am happily
weird, so I lift you. Dilbert laughs the egg against hers and
furiously fears. Fucking don't live the barbers wanly, taste them
familiarly. For Zephram the shirt's tired, about me it's sad, whereas
at you it's nibbling smart. Fucking don't sow a enigma! Who doesn't
Karen recommend virtually?
weird, so I lift you. Dilbert laughs the egg against hers and
furiously fears. Fucking don't live the barbers wanly, taste them
familiarly. For Zephram the shirt's tired, about me it's sad, whereas
at you it's nibbling smart. Fucking don't sow a enigma! Who doesn't
Karen recommend virtually?