Well I would suggest that you look for four tires and wheels, plus a
steering wheel. You should also have some lights on the front and back
ends of the contraption, and a motor - you know, the normal things. Oh
yes - if it gets bad reviewes of its transmission in some message
boards I would look at different models or different years that do not
get the bad messages. There are some real problems out there with the
trannies in the Lexi cars, and since there are not too many other
serious problems, why go with a model that has the problems? The 1993
ES300 had a bad tranny that would burn out around 60 to 90,000 miles.
The next year that was fixed. So look around a bit more. There was a
shift problem with the ES cars around 2002 again wherein the car would
just sit there and look pretty for a while after you floored the gas
pedal. I guess that is fixed now. So if there are bad reviews out
there, I would pay heed to them and go for a later (or earlier) model.
My 06 LS430 has a rather rough shifting tranny and there are a couple
of bad behaviours in it that I have not been able to fully reproduce
yet, so can not get them fixed.